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At the start of this new land tax year, as assessments are issued, it is important to review your assessment to ensure that you are paying the appropriate amount. How much will I pay? The 2023 year (year ended 31 December 2022) General land tax threshold for NSW is $969,000...
Has this ever happened to you? The stress of 24/7 connectivity and work compulsion has been a challenge for a while now. In 2022 it has been compounded by emerging out of the pandemic, into the new world of inflation and interest rate hikes. Then, with money tightening, we feel...
Taxation in Australia is both complicated and constantly changing. Public interest in the tax system is arguably at an all-time high. Politically there is a desire to increase tax transparency for larger businesses and high net worth individuals to provide community confidence that ‘the bigger end of town’ is paying...