Data governance in Australia
A decision-making approach
Ken Weldin, PKF Partner, outlines the key findings and significance of this study
(4 minutes, 33 seconds)
Key learnings
60% say the board does not have an understanding of the organisation's current data governance challenges
>50% do not have a data governance framework
Siloed data holdings, understanding the value of data, and not having proper data governance frameworks were key issues in 2023
One third of organisations don't have data governance on the risk register
Just under one third regularly purge data
The stand out risk around data governance is cyber attack, followed by emergent technologies and AI
Opinions differ as to the most effective committee structure
PKF was proud to sponsor this important research project, and we acknowledge the contributions of all involved.
The report was prepared by the DataX Macquarie Research Centre, with contributions from:
Professor Niloufer Selvadurai, Macquarie Law School
Professor Hanlin Shang, Department of Actuarial Studies and Business Analytics
Professor Bamini Gopinath, Macquarie University Hearing
A/Professor Babak Abedin, Department of Actuarial Studies and Business Analytics
A/Professor Jessica McLean, Macquarie School of Social Sciences
A/Professor Michael Proctor, Department of Linguistics
A/Professor Anthony Chariton, School of Natural Sciences
Expert advisers, who provided insightful contextual analysis around the report’s findings, are:
Ken Weldin FGIA FCG, Partner, PKF
Karin Geraghty FGIA FCG, Non-Executive Director, Strategist, Digital Transformation Consultant
Stuart Harrison, General Manager Cyber Defence, nbn Australia
Sue Laver FGIA, Company Secretary, Telstra
Eve Lillas, Senior Associate, Gadens
Andrew Methven, Head of Risk and Compliance, Hearing Australia
Joanne Moss, Board Chair, Non Executive Director, and Gadens Partner
Megan Motto FGIA FCG, CEO Governance Institute of Australia